Literary Voice, ISSN 2277-4521 (Print), a Peer-Reviewed, U.G.C. Care Group II and indexed Journal of English Studies, is published regularly with special focus on literature written/being written in English all over the globe. It aims to promote healthy, constructive, critical and interpretative writing on literary issues and trends, and provides a publication platform for the talented young research scholars and emerging new voices in the genres of poetry and fiction globally. Besides Book Reviews, Poems and Interviews, we publish research articles of contributors belonging to different nationalities, on various facets and genres of literature, literary criticism, linguistics and ELT. LV, an open access journal, aims to promote high quality empirical and nonempirical interrogations of the extant critical canons that define and enrich credible appreciation of literary texts.
Journal Particulars
Title Literary Voice: A Peer Reviewed Journal of English Studies
Frequency Biannual
ISSN 2277-4521 (Print)
Publisher Dr. T. S. Anand
Chief Editor Dr. T.S. Anand
Copyright The authors keep the copyrights.
Starting Year 2012
Subject Literature, Literary Criticism, Linguistics.
Language English
Publication Format Print
Phone number 9878866667/98143-09192
Email Id [email protected]
Mobile number +919878866667/98143-09192
Address Dr. T. S. Anand #506/2, Housefed Complex, Pakhowal Road, Ludhiana - 141 013 (India)
Deadline for Submissions
Research Papers/Book Reviews/Poems for March and September editions of LV will be accepted for consideration only in the month of December and June respectively. We reserve the right for early closure of submissions before the notified deadlines. Submissions be sent by e-mail at [email protected] and with the declaration that the submission is original, unpublished, free from plagiarized material and not submitted elsewhere. Submission e-mail must include the statement claiming that you have read the submission guidelines and agree to the policy of the journal. The submissions comprising Quotations in languages other than English, must be accompanied by translation in English within the text in parentheses. For more information about peer review process, publication ethics, copyrights etc., click on About Us.
Peer Review Process
We, in the Literary Voice follow a stringent double-blind review of the submitted works in order to conceal the identity of the reviewer and the reviewed. The Reviewer has to convey his approval/disapproval/suggestions for improvement/modification of the submitted article, if any, within three weeks of the receipt of the article. Subsequently, in case of rejection/or certain concerns raised by the reviewer, the decision will be conveyed to the author and time frame of two weeks will be given for revision and resubmission of the paper for consideration/publication.
Policy Against Plagiarism
Literary Voice has zero tolerance for plagiarism. In case plagiarism is found to have occurred, the Editor reserves the right to ask the author/s to write a formal letter of apology to the author/s of the plagiarized paper, including an admission of plagiarism. In case the paper has appeared on the website, the journal will remove access to it. However, if the paper is under submission, the paper will be automatically rejected by the Editor and the author/s found indulging in plagiarism will be banned permanently.
Guidelines for Authors
The articles/papers must conform to the guidelines enunciated in MLA Handbook for Writers of Research Papers (8th Edition). The first page must contain Title or Sub-Title of the Research Paper, with a brief abstract of the paper (150 words appx.) and Keywords, Name of Author(s), Designation, Official Address and E-mail Address. The manuscripts must be in Font: Times New Roman, Size: 12 and justified, Line spacing: single spaced and submitted only in MS Word 2007 or 2010. The size of articles/ papers should be around 3500 words inclusive of Works Cited.
Dr. T.S. Anand
former Professor of English
University of Sirte (Libya)
{[email protected] }
98143-09192/+1 (519) 250-0747.
Associate Editors
Dr. Charu Sharma
Associate Prof. of English
Govt. College
Shahpur(Kangra) H.P.
{[email protected]}
Dr. Sumedha Bhandari
Asstt. Prof. of English
Punjab Agriculture University
Ludhiana. (Punjab)
{[email protected]}
Dr. Harbir Singh Randhawa
Professor of English
D.A.V. Postgraduate College
Dehradun (Uttarakhand) India
([email protected])
+91 94129-15687
Dr. Sushmindarjeet Kaur
Associate Professor & Head
Postgraduate Dept. of English
G.G.N. Khalsa College
Ludhiana (Punjab), India.
{[email protected]}
Editorial Board Members
Prof. Ashis Sengupta
Dept. of English
North Bengal University
Raja Rammohunpur
Siliguri (India).
{[email protected]}
Dr. Tejinder Kaur
Professor of English
RIMT University
Mandi Gobindgarh (India)
[email protected]
+91 98550-00228.
Dr. Satnam K. Raina
Professor of English
University of Jammu
Jammu (J & K), India.
[email protected]
Dr. Alpna Saini
Professor & Head
Dept. of English
Central University of Punjab
Bathinda (Punjab) India
[email protected]
+91 98886-30225
Prof. Himadri Lahiri
Department of English
School of Humanities
Netaji Subhas Open University
DD-26, Sector-I, Salt Lake City,
Kolkata - 700 064 (West Bengal)
{[email protected]}
Impact Factor of LV for 2021 is 5.465
Literary Voice is indexed with :
Web of Science ESCI
InfoBase Index
Areas of Thrust
Research Papers on literature/criticism/ELT
Creative Writings – Poems
Book Reviews
Interviews with Writers
Title Literary Voice: A Peer Reviewed Journal of English Studies
Frequency Biannual
ISSN 2277-4521 (Print)
Publisher Dr. T. S. Anand
Chief Editor Dr. T.S. Anand
Copyright The authors keep the copyrights.
Starting Year 2012
Subject Literature, Literary Criticism, Linguistics.
Language English
Publication Format Print
Phone number 9878866667/98143-09192
Email Id [email protected]
Mobile number +919878866667/98143-09192
Address Dr. T. S. Anand #506/2, Housefed Complex, Pakhowal Road, Ludhiana - 141 013 (India)
Deadline for Submissions
Research Papers/Book Reviews/Poems for March and September editions of LV will be accepted for consideration only in the month of December and June respectively. We reserve the right for early closure of submissions before the notified deadlines. Submissions be sent by e-mail at [email protected] and with the declaration that the submission is original, unpublished, free from plagiarized material and not submitted elsewhere. Submission e-mail must include the statement claiming that you have read the submission guidelines and agree to the policy of the journal. The submissions comprising Quotations in languages other than English, must be accompanied by translation in English within the text in parentheses. For more information about peer review process, publication ethics, copyrights etc., click on About Us.
Peer Review Process
We, in the Literary Voice follow a stringent double-blind review of the submitted works in order to conceal the identity of the reviewer and the reviewed. The Reviewer has to convey his approval/disapproval/suggestions for improvement/modification of the submitted article, if any, within three weeks of the receipt of the article. Subsequently, in case of rejection/or certain concerns raised by the reviewer, the decision will be conveyed to the author and time frame of two weeks will be given for revision and resubmission of the paper for consideration/publication.
Policy Against Plagiarism
Literary Voice has zero tolerance for plagiarism. In case plagiarism is found to have occurred, the Editor reserves the right to ask the author/s to write a formal letter of apology to the author/s of the plagiarized paper, including an admission of plagiarism. In case the paper has appeared on the website, the journal will remove access to it. However, if the paper is under submission, the paper will be automatically rejected by the Editor and the author/s found indulging in plagiarism will be banned permanently.
Guidelines for Authors
The articles/papers must conform to the guidelines enunciated in MLA Handbook for Writers of Research Papers (8th Edition). The first page must contain Title or Sub-Title of the Research Paper, with a brief abstract of the paper (150 words appx.) and Keywords, Name of Author(s), Designation, Official Address and E-mail Address. The manuscripts must be in Font: Times New Roman, Size: 12 and justified, Line spacing: single spaced and submitted only in MS Word 2007 or 2010. The size of articles/ papers should be around 3500 words inclusive of Works Cited.
Dr. T.S. Anand
former Professor of English
University of Sirte (Libya)
{[email protected] }
98143-09192/+1 (519) 250-0747.
Associate Editors
Dr. Charu Sharma
Associate Prof. of English
Govt. College
Shahpur(Kangra) H.P.
{[email protected]}
Dr. Sumedha Bhandari
Asstt. Prof. of English
Punjab Agriculture University
Ludhiana. (Punjab)
{[email protected]}
Dr. Harbir Singh Randhawa
Professor of English
D.A.V. Postgraduate College
Dehradun (Uttarakhand) India
([email protected])
+91 94129-15687
Dr. Sushmindarjeet Kaur
Associate Professor & Head
Postgraduate Dept. of English
G.G.N. Khalsa College
Ludhiana (Punjab), India.
{[email protected]}
Editorial Board Members
Prof. Ashis Sengupta
Dept. of English
North Bengal University
Raja Rammohunpur
Siliguri (India).
{[email protected]}
Dr. Tejinder Kaur
Professor of English
RIMT University
Mandi Gobindgarh (India)
[email protected]
+91 98550-00228.
Dr. Satnam K. Raina
Professor of English
University of Jammu
Jammu (J & K), India.
[email protected]
Dr. Alpna Saini
Professor & Head
Dept. of English
Central University of Punjab
Bathinda (Punjab) India
[email protected]
+91 98886-30225
Prof. Himadri Lahiri
Department of English
School of Humanities
Netaji Subhas Open University
DD-26, Sector-I, Salt Lake City,
Kolkata - 700 064 (West Bengal)
{[email protected]}
Impact Factor of LV for 2021 is 5.465
Literary Voice is indexed with :
Web of Science ESCI
InfoBase Index
Areas of Thrust
Research Papers on literature/criticism/ELT
Creative Writings – Poems
Book Reviews
Interviews with Writers
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