We will not accept/consider fresh articles for LV March 2025 edition as we have a backlog of papers to publish. The inconvenience caused is regretted. Literary Voice accepts papers on multiple facets and genres of Literature in English, Literary Criticism, ELT, Book Reviews and unpublished poems @ [email protected]. The window for submissions for September edition will be open from June 1-7, and March edition from December 1-7. An article violative of guidelines for authors and not accompanied by mandatory declarations, will not be considered. Literary Voice (Online) ISSN 2583-8199 has also been independently launched from January 2023. Due to inflow of large number of submissions for Sep 2024 edition of the journal in the last three days we are constrained to close the window on 5 June instead of 7 June. Inconvenience caused is regretted.
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Literary Voice (March, 2017)

A Bi-Annual Peer-Reviewed Journal

Diaspora as a Human Condition: An Expository Note/5

Dr. Devendra Rankawat

Rethinking Diaspora: The Black Atlantic as a Concept for

Diasporic Studies/13

Dr. R.G. Kulkarni

Postmodernity, Consumerism and Identity Crisis in Gregory

David Roberts' Shantaram/19

Shipra Joshi Dr. H. S. Randhawa

Blemished Native Souls: Exploring the Aftermaths of White

Intrusion in James Welch's Winter in the Blood/29

Sandeep Kour Dr. Ravinder Singh

Velutha's Marginalized Sublimity in Arundhati Roy's The God of Small Things/ 37

Dr. Devika

Unravelling the Mechanics of Black Freedom Struggle through the genre of Rhythm and Blues/47

Divya Sharma

Juxtaposing Illusions and Realities in Diasporic Experiences: An Analysis of Andrea Levy's Small Island/ 63

Harpreet Kaur

Scattered Identities in Rupa Bajwa's The Sari Shop/ 69

Dr. Priyanka Sharma

Tracing DNA: A Study of Shilpi Somaya Gowda's Secret Daughter/ 77

Sumedha Bhandari

Bama's Sangati:A Critique of Marginalized Dalit Community/83

Dr. Kshamata Chaudhary

Subaltern Voices of Resistance in Mahasweta Devi's Chotti Munda and His Arrow/90

Manpreet Kaur

Changing Contours of Masculinity in Alice Walker's The Color Purple/97

Jaspreet Kaur

An Interview with Poetess, Arvinder Kaur/104

Dr. Sumati

Book Review

Lalit Mohan Sharma. Loud Whispers: A New Collection of Poems. New Delhi: Books Plus 2016. Price: Rs 300./112

Dr. Atul Acharya

Poetry Column


Dr. Bhagyashree Varma
