Literary Voice accepts papers on multiple facets and genres of Literature in English, Literary Criticism, ELT, Book Reviews and unpublished poems @ The window for submissions for September edition will be open from June 1-7, and March edition from December 1-7. An article violative of guidelines for authors and not accompanied by mandatory declarations, will not be considered. Literary Voice (Online) ISSN 2583-8199 has also been independently launched from January 2023. Due to inflow of large number of submissions for Sep 2024 edition of the journal in the last three days we are constrained to close the window on 5 June instead of 7 June. Inconvenience caused is regretted.
An Exotic Evening with Meena Kandasamy
LV Number 8, Vol. 1 March 2018.

An Interview with Dr Swarajbir Singh, Sahitya Academy Awardee.
LV Number 8, Vol.1 March 2018.

A Dialogue with poetess Shabnam Kaur
LV Number 9, Vol.1 September 2018.

A Tête-à-tête with novelist Dr N.K. Neb
LV Number 9, Vol. 1, September 2018.

A Dialogue with poet Dr. Jernail Singh Anand
LV Number 10, Vol.1, March 2019.

An Interview with Kavita Kane
LV Number 13, Vol.1, March 2021.

A Dialogue with the Debutant Novelists--Vikram Singh Deol and Parneet Jaggi
LV Number 13, Vol. 1, March 2021.

An Interview with Poet-Scholar Prof. Kul Bushan Razdan.
LV Number 13, Vol.2, September2021.

A Tete-a-Tete with Professor-Poet Molly Joseph
LV Number 17, Volume 1, March 2022.

An Interview with Canadian poetess, Mohineet Boparai.
LV Number 18, Vol.1, September 2022.

An Interview with U.K. based Theatre Director & Writer, Jatinder Verma.
LV Number 20, Vol. 1, March 2023.

A Conversation with British Poet Usha Kishore
LV Number 21, Vol.1, September 2023.
