We will not accept/consider fresh articles for LV March 2025 edition as we have a backlog of papers to publish. The inconvenience caused is regretted. Literary Voice accepts papers on multiple facets and genres of Literature in English, Literary Criticism, ELT, Book Reviews and unpublished poems @ [email protected]. The window for submissions for September edition will be open from June 1-7, and March edition from December 1-7. An article violative of guidelines for authors and not accompanied by mandatory declarations, will not be considered. Literary Voice (Online) ISSN 2583-8199 has also been independently launched from January 2023. Due to inflow of large number of submissions for Sep 2024 edition of the journal in the last three days we are constrained to close the window on 5 June instead of 7 June. Inconvenience caused is regretted.

Dr T.S. Anand, M.A., M.Phil., Ph.D., worked as Professor of English for two years in the University of Sirte, Libya (2009-2011). Earlier he retired as Principal of Gujranwala Guru Nanak Khalsa College, Ludhiana after an academically fulfilling and eventful career of forty years. Worked as Senior Faculty in Guru Nanak Dev Engineering College (Autonomous), Ludhiana for four academic sessions. Approved Research Supervisor of Panjab University, Chandigarh. Authored/edited/co-edited 18 books of creative literature and criticism, and published a number of papers on Indian English Literature, American, Afro-American and American-Jewish literature. Adjudicator for Ph.D thesis of prestigious universities and Institutes of Higher Learning in India. Headed National Academic Body (Indian Association for American Studies) from 2002-2004. President of I.A.A.S. Annual National Congresses at M.L.S. University, Udaipur and Punjabi University, Patiala. Winner of Olive I. Reddick Prize for Best Research Paper. Member, Faculty of Languages, Panjab University, Chandigarh and Member, Postgraduate Board of Studies in English (2005-2009). [[email protected]] +1-519-250-0747

Associate Editors

Dr Charu Sharma has done her Ph.D. on Feminism in Third World Contemporary Fiction and Post Doctorate research on Dalit and Tribal Literature. Her field of research and interest are Contemporary Literature, Diasporic studies, translation, women writings. She has  edited two books, Once Upon A Time and Mapping Migrations, and translated M G Vassanji's novel into Hindi titled Qatil ka Geet. She has supervised six Doctoral and fourteen M.Phil. scholars. Presently, she is an Associate Professor at Government College Dharmshala (Himachal Pradesh). [[email protected]] [+91-82199-60052]

Dr. Sumedha Bhandari teaches in the Dept. of Languages, Culture and Journalism, Punjab Agriculture University, Ludhiana. She has recently published Toni Morrison's Art: A Humanistic Exploration of The Bluest Eye and Beloved. Anchor Publishers, Hamburg (Germany). Her association with Literary Voice, apart from her Doctoral research, brings renewed vigour and freshness to our endeavours.[[email protected]] [+91-98788-66667]

Dr. Harbir Singh Randhawa specializes in Modern Indian Fiction, Drama, Dalit/Marginalized Literature, Translation & Bhasha literatures. He has supervised fourteen Doctoral research projects. Apart from three dozen research papers he has published Dalit Literature : Contents, Trends and Concerns and Nation, Translation & Bhasha Literatures, and is currently Professor of English in D.A.V. Postgraduate College, Dehradun (Uttarakhand). [Email: [email protected]] +91 94129-15687.

Dr. Sushmindarieet Kaur is an Associate Professor and Head, PG Department of English at G.G.N. Khalsa College, Ludhiana (Punjab), India. She has published research papers, short stories and poems in numerous anthologies and journals. Her second book of poems, The Tapestry of Heartstrings will be released shortly. Besides editing ten books of literary criticism and creative literature, she has translated U.K. based Balwinder Singh Chahal’s book Sikh Soldiers in Italy: Second World War. {[email protected]} {+91-9465348669}

Editorial Advisory Board

Prof. Fakrul Alam is Pro-Vice Chancellor of East West University, Dhaka (Bangladesh). He retired as Professor of English at the University of Dhaka on June 30, 2018 and is currently member of its Senate.. His publications include Rabindranath Tagore and National Identity Formation in Bangladesh: Essays and Reviews; The Essential Tagore (Harvard UP and Viswa Bharati: Kolkata), Imperial Entanglements and Literature in English ; South Asian Writers in English (Detroit); Jibanananda Das: Selected Poems; Bharati Mukherjee (New York); Translation of Sheikh Mujibur Rahman's Unfinished Memoirs published in Bangladesh, India, and Pakistan. He is recipient of the SAARC Literature Award and Bangla Academy Puroshkar (Literature Award). His translations of Ocean of Sorrow, Bengali epic narrative, Bishad Sindhu by Mir Mosharraf Hussain, and Sheikh Mujibur Rahman's Prison Diaries are among his most recent publications. Among his forthcoming works is "The English Writings of Rabindranath Tagore" in The Cambridge Companion to English Tagore, ed. Sukanta Chaudhuri (Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 2019). {[email protected]} {+880 09666775577}, .

Dr. John C. Hawley is Professor of English and former chair of Department of English at Santa Clara University, California, U.S.A. He has been President of the South Asian Literary Association and of the US chapter of the Association for Commonwealth Literature and Language Studies. He is the author of Amitav Ghosh: An Introduction, and co-editor (with Gaurav Desai) of Approaches to Teaching Amitav Ghosh and (with Revathi Krishnaswamy) of The Postcolonial and the Global, as well as 12 other edited books, including India in Africa, Africa in India, and essays in postcolonial literature, queer theory, and the intersection of religion and literature.{[email protected]}
+1(408) 554-4956.

Professor Harish Narang is currently a Visiting Professor at the Ambedkar University of Delhi and a former UGC Emeritus Fellow at the JNU where he was earlier a Professor and Chair. During his teaching career of over 50 years Professor Narang taught, researched and supervised research on African Literatures in English, Canadian Literature, Women Writing and Theory and Method of Literary Translation and Dalit writings. An elected member of the Sahitya Akademi General Council for 5 years and recipient of numerous International Fellowships, he has translated 20 books both in English and Hindi. His well known translations include Manto my Love, Qatil ka Geet, Janata ka Admi, Is Sadi ki Prem Kahani and Billesur Bakariha. Besides, he has translated the works of Chinua Achebe, Ngugi wa Thiong'o, Nadine Gordimer from Africa, Hemingway and M.G.Vassanji from North America, Manto, Khushwant Singh and Jayant Mahapatra from India. Professor Narang writes stories in Hindi and English and has already published two volumes titled Pakistani Bacchha and Sunte the Sahar Hogi. {[email protected]} {+91 98107-91674}

Prof. Somdatta Mandal is former Chairperson at the Department of English & Other Modern European Languages, Visva-Bharati, Santiniketan. She has lectured widely in national and international fora. A recipient of prestigious international fellowships from the Fulbright Foundation, Charles Wallace Trust, Rockefeller Foundation, her areas of interest are American Literature, contemporary fiction, film and culture studies, Diaspora studies and translation. Edited and co-edited 22 books, published three books, five volumes of translation, and above 90 research articles.[[email protected]][+91-94341-32556]

Dr Swaraj Raj is former Prof. and Head, Dept. of English, Sri Guru Granth Sahib World University, Fatehgarh Sahib. His areas of interest are Diasporic Studies, Translation Studies, Cultural studies, Media Studies, Literary Theory and Photography. He has  published forty two research papers/articles in Research Journals of national/international eminence. Nine scholars are pursuing their Doctoral research with him. He is on Academic bodies of various universities.[[email protected]] [+91-94171-04331]

Dr. Ashis Sengupta is Professor of English at the University of North Bengal, India. A recipient of the Olive I Reddick award (1995), Fulbright American Studies Institute fellowship (2002), Fulbright visiting scholarship (2006) and SASNET guest lecturer grant (2009), he has published numerous essays on South Asian and American theatre and edited volumes that include the Journal of American Studies, Comparative American Studies, Journal of American Drama and Theatre, Indian Literature, and DLB: South Asian Writers in English. He has also published Mapping South Asia through Contemporary Theatre (Palgrave, 2014), and his book, Islam in Performance, has been published by Bloomsbury London. [[email protected]] [+91-97340-12805]

Dr.Tejinder Kaur is Professor of English, RIMT University, Mandi Gobindgarh (India). Earlier she was  Director Centre for Diaspora Studies at Punjabi University,Patiala. She has been Dean Faculty of Languages and Co-Ordinator IGNOU Study Centre.She has written/ co-edited nine books, published above fifty research papers/atricles on wide ranging areas and made presentations in over a hundred international and national conferences, She has been on Edu-Sat, T.V and Radio, and is actively engaged in research activities. [[email protected]][+91-98550-00228]

Dr K. B. Razdan is a renowned Professor of American Literature and Culture. Former Head and Convenor Board of Studies, Department of English, University of Jammu, Prof Razdan has contributed a lot to the corpus of American Studies in the form of research Articles and Research Papers at various national and International Seminars and Conferences . Having produced over a dozen Ph.D and about twenty M.Phil Scholars, Dr Razdan has been lecturing at various universities at different levels, and is on the academic advisory boards of various Academic organisations and journals. [[email protected]] [+91-94191-83972]

Dr. Satnam Kour Raina is Professor of English and former Chair, Dept. of English, University of Jammu (J & K), India, specializes in Modern and Post-modern American Fiction, African- American Women Writings and Indian Writing in English. She has authored Jerzy Kosinski: A Study in Postmodernist Problematics and translated Contemporary Dogri Short Stories in English. She has supervised eleven Ph.D scholars and currently supervises eight Doctoral research projects. Email Id.[[email protected]] [+91-99060-95584]

Dr. Himadri Lahiri is a former Professor, Department of English and Culture Studies, University of Burdwan, West Bengal. Currently, he is Professor of English at the School of Humanities, Netaji Subhas Open University, Kolkata. He has written extensively on Diaspora Studies, Postcolonial Studies and Indian English Literature. His latest publication is Diaspora Theory and Transnationalism (Hyderabad: Orient Blackswan, 2019). Contemporary Indian English Poetry and Drama (Newcastle on Tyne: Cambridge Scholars, 2019), co-edited by him, has also been published recently. He writes book reviews for newspapers and academic journals. Email: [email protected] [+91-7890115419/9231685611]

Dr. Alpna Saini is Professor & Head, Department of English, Central University of Punjab, Bathinda, (Punjab) India. She has authored Subjectivity as a Locus of Conflicts in Girish Karnad: A Discussion of his Plays and co-edited Negotiating Boundaries: A Study of Bushra Ejaz’s Writings. She has also co-edited and translated select poems by Punjabi poet Harbhajan Singh Hundal titled Blood Flowers. Her areas of interest are Theories of Subjectivity, Indian Drama, Translation and Film studies. {[email protected]} +91 98886-30225


Dr. Bhagyashree S. Varma is Associate Professor in the Dept. of English, University of Mumbai. She is a painter, a Creative writer, and a translator. Her publication includes poetry and stories of her own, online reviews of films and dramas, translated poems, research papers in local and global literary journals. She has published Amrita Pritam--Life as Literature, and a Reference book on women's autobiographies, Woman and Self. Her research interests, apart from supervising seven Doctoral dissertations, vary from Translation Studies, Creative Writing, Mythology, Aesthetics, Theatre and Films to Comparative as well as World literature. {[email protected]} {+91 97695-65813}

Prof. (Dr.) Annie John is Head, Dept. of English, A.R. Burla Mahila Varishtha Mahavidyalaya, Solapur (Maharashtra) India. She is the Chairperson, Board of Studies (English) since 2010 and member of the Academic Council PAH Solapur University. She is a writer, poet, editor, reviewer and pens articles on spirituality, morality and ethics for the Newspapers. She has thirty two books to her credit as an author and editor. She has supervised seven Doctoral research scholars. Presently she is working on three Reference Books prescribed at the graduate and post graduate levels. Email: [email protected] [+91- 9822402080/8888344997]

Dr. Roghayeh Farsi is Assistant Professor in the Dept. of English, University of Neyshabur, Neyshabour (Iran). She has authored Modernism and Postmodernism in James Joyce's Fiction and J. S. Anand's Theory of Biotext and Critical Perspectives on His Poetic and Spiritual Creed, and edited Shunyata in Trance: Select Poems from Yayati Madan G. Gandhi and co-edited World Anthology of English Poetry. Her research interests are Postmodernism, Linguistics, Semiotics, Semantics, Postcolonialism, Feminism, Literary Theory, Comparative Literature and Cultural Studies. Email: [email protected] +98 (91571-19031

Dr. Gökşen Aras teaches in the Dept. of English Language and Literature, Atilim University, Ankara (Turkey). Her Doctoral research is on "Feminist Literary Critical Approach to H.G. Wells' Ann Veronica, Arnold Bennett's Helen with the High Hand, D. H. Lawrence's Women in Love." Her current areas of interest are Victorian Novel, Feminist Theory, Romantic Poetry, War Poetry, Cultural Studies, Travel Writing, Psychoanalysis, Realism and Naturalism.{[email protected]} +90(312) 586-8666.

Dr. Rupinder Kaur is former Professor 7 Chair, Dept. of English, Punjabi University, Patiala. Her area of interest and specialization is Victorian Literature, Feminist Literature, Twentieth Century Literature, Literature of Exile and Diaspora, American Literature and Indian Writing in English. She has supervised ten Doctoral students and published research papers on various facets and genres of literature. She has co- edited a book, Identities at Large: Grappling Meaning, Order, Authenticity. [[email protected]] +91-99152-48848.

Dr. K. S. Purushothaman is retired Principal, Tamil Nadu Collegiate Education Department; Associate Prof & Head, PG Department of English. Supervised 12 Ph.D., and 80 M.Phil scholars. Specializes in Science Fiction and American literature. Founder President, Indian Assn. for Science Fiction Studies. Organized 17 National /International SF conferences. President of Indian Assn. for American Studies for two terms. +91 94433 09951, Email: [email protected]

Dr. Sushila Shekhawat is an Associate Professor in the Department of Humanities and Social Sciences at the prestigious Birla Institute of Technology and Science Pilani, Pilani campus (India). Her Doctoral research is in the area of Film Studies. Currently she teaches Business Communication, Technical Writing, Mass Communication, Short Film and Video Production & Cinematic Art. Her research interests are Film studies, Indian Writings in English, Business communication, Applied Linguistics, Media studies. Dr. Sushila Shekhawat has completed two major research Projects in Film Studies. She is research supervisor and is joint author of Media, Culture and Ethics. She has published/presented research paper in India and abroad. Email: [email protected], Phone: +91 94686 75701

Dr. Mamta Anand is Assistant Professor in English Language and Literature at the Indian Institute of Information Technology, Design and Manufacturing, Jabalpur (Madhya.Pradesh), India. As a Fulbright Fellow (2008-2009), she did Doctoral research at Harvard University and Colgate University (U.S.A.), presented papers at Harvard University, USA, University of London, UK and Ryerson University, Canada and is recipient of International Research Award from the Emerson Society, Washington DC. Dr. Anand writes stories and poems. She has authored seven books - Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan, Treasure a Tear, a novel Shades of Silence, Missing Girl (Essays and Poems), Melody of Love (Essays and Poems), and Transformative Innovation-Designing Future. Her research interests are Spiritualism, Transcendentalism,. Brain and the Mind, Creativity and Consciousness and Human Values. [email protected] {+91 91095-36351}

Dr. Tamali Neogi teaches English at Gushkara College, Gushkara (West Bengal), India. She has authored The Woman of Patashpur and V.S. Naipaul’s Comic Vision, and edited Postmodern Voices: An Anthology of Essays. In an academic career approximating two decades, she has published research papers, short stories and book reviews in foreign/Indian journals of repute. [email protected]. +91-79085-05445.

Dr. Maitali Khanna is currently Assistant Professor in Department of English Language and Literature, Sri Sathya Sai Institute of Higher Learning, Anantapur Campus, Anantapur (Andhra Pradesh), since 2012. Besides supervising Doctoral and PG research, she has published papers in journal of repute. Her areas of interest are Poetry, Modern/Postmodern Literature, Victorian Literature, Literary Criticism and Theory, Indian Literature, Linguistics, Eco-critical Studies [email protected] Contact +91-7382413480
